EHR Solutions
Electronic Medical Records


Keep up with your schedule whether you are in the office or on the road. Watch your patients from check in to check out. Identify bottle necks to help lower wait times. At the end of the day quickly see all visits and charges have been completed.

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Patient Tracking

Keep the exam rooms moving with patient tracking. Know exactly what is needed in each room. Provider does not need to track down nurse to tell them what is needed. Everyone looks a patient tracker to see what is needed next. One click to completed items. One click to open visit.

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Patient Tracking
Electronic Medical Records

Touch Orders

One touch to rule them all. One touch or click can start multiple actions. Touch to the send order to X-Ray machine, write medication, print patient education or send charges to billing. All documented in the chart and sent to billing.

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Medications made easy. One click to prescribe physician favorite medication. One click to refill current patient medications. Automatic drug interaction checking. Integrated checking of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP). Write prescriptions for controlled substances.

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Electronic Medical Records
Electronic Medical Records

AI Office Visit

Artificial intelligence to identify patterns in the office visit. Place frequently used items at the top to avoid scrolling. One click to write entire visit. Smartlist optimizations to reduce the number of buttons. Buttons based on section inside office visit. Standard abnormal list.

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Surgical Pathways

Never miss getting paid for a surgery again. Surgical pathways tracks your surgeries from beginning to end. Creating tasks for each step in the process. Staying in touch with the patients by sending text messages through patient engagement. Utilizing AI to code surgeries and verify they get paid.

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Electronic Medical Records
Doctor Dashboard

Doctor Dashboard

Doctor specific dashboards. Easily select which graphs to show the doctor then add options to tailor the graphs for exactly what the doctor needs. Many of the graphs have drill down capability that go all the way an individual patient. All that data presented in less than a minute.

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Our Vision
Systemedx values the importance of combining both the practice management system and the EHR system into one seamlessly integrated system. This allows for maximum efficiency inside your practice, by making it easy for the medical staff to directly communicate with the administration, front desk and billing staffs.
Helping You
An integrated system reduces the confusion and speeds up the workflow process inside your practice. You can stay on top of your scheduling, patient tracking, and billing without changing software or logging into multiple pages. Our job is not to sell you software. Our job is to help you manage your practice.
Our Goal
Our goal is to help you become the most efficient practice that you can be. Systemedx uses our experience to come up with best practice workflows that we can help you implement. By working directly with you, we will do our best to increase your productivity throughout your practice.