MIPS Solutions
MIPS Solutions
ONC Certified
100% Certified Electronic Health Record Technology that will make your providers more efficient documenting for MIPS.
Measure Calculation Dashboard
Easy to use dashboard with color coded percentages and tools to show you what items are or are not counting.
Quality Measures
Quickly calculate and export your quality measure results into a file that can be drag-and-dropped onto the QPP submission website. Also includes a breakdown by patient to see where you stand.
Integrated Patient Portal
Clinical Navigator is directly integrated with the Systemedx Patient Portal to easily meet the measure requirements involving patient interaction.
The Systemedx FHIR API has patient search functionality with built-in rights management to ensure only authorized individuals can access patient data.

Systemedx FHIR API Directory

Registry Reporting
Clinical Navigator has the ability to do multiple reporting options including immunization, survey, syndromic surveillance and public health registry reporting.

Systemedx Clinical Navigator offers a certified product that can be used to attest to the Medicare Quality Payment program as part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) and Merit Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) that replaced the former Meaningful Use incentive. For more information concerning the details of the Quality Payment Program, please visit https://qpp.cms.gov/.

Product Information
  • Company Name: Systemedx, Inc
  • Date Certified: 12/15/2022
  • Product: Systemedx Clinical Navigator, Version 2022.12
  • ACB Certification ID:
  • Modules Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14); (b)(1-3, 10); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (e)(1, 3); (f)(1-2, 5, 7); (g)(2-7, 9-10); (h)(1)
  • Clinical Quality Measures tested: 50v6, 56v6, 66v6, 68v7, 69v6, 117v6, 123v6, 124v6, 125v6, 127v6, 130v6, 131v6, 138v6, 139v6, 146v6, 147v7, 155v6, 156v6, 165v6, 166v7
  • Additional software used: Medline Plus Connect, Surescripts Clinical Direct Messaging
  • Certificate of Health IT Compliance

  • Other Mandatory Disclosures

  • Real World Test Plans

  • DataExport

ONC Disclaimer: This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
SVAP Disclaimer: Systemedx intends to implement the following new standards for 170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services: HL7 FHIR® US Core Implementation Guides STU 4.0.0, HL7 FHIR® SMART Application Launch Framework Implementation Guide Release 2.0.0, and HL7 FHIR® Bulk Data Access (Flat FHIR®) (v2.0.0: STU 2). No impact will be made to existing end users of as a result of these changes. Real word testing supporting these standards will begin in 2024 with plan submission in the fall of 2023.